Physical oceanography Professor Education Ph.D. 2006, Oregon State University (Physical Oceanography) Research Labs: Castelao Lab Research Areas: Physical Oceanography Research Interests: Coastal ocean dynamics and its impact on the marine ecosystem; wind-driven mesoscale flows; flow-topography interactions; buoyancy-driven flows; high latitude oceanography; fate of Greenland meltwater in the ocean. Selected Publications * students or postdocs *Amos CM, Castelao RM (2022), Influence of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation on SST fronts along the west coasts of North and South America. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2022JC018479. Castelao R., Dinniman MS, *Amos CM, Klinck, JM, Medeiros PM (2021), Eddy-driven transport of particulate organic carbon-rich coastal water off the West Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016791. *Majumder S, Castelao RM, *Amos CM (2021), Freshwater variability and transport in the Labrador Sea from in situ and satellite observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016751. Tagklis F, Bracco A, Ito T, Castelao RM (2020), Submesoscale modulation of deep water formation in the Labrador Sea. Nature Scientific Reports, 10, 17489, *Oliver H, Castelao RM, Wang C, Yager PL (2020), Meltwater‐enhanced nutrient export from Greenland's glacial fjords: A sensitivity analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, e2020JC016185. *Amos C, Castelao RM, Medeiros PM (2019), Offshore transport of particulate organic carbon in the California Current System by mesoscale eddies, Nature Communications, 10:4940, Castelao, RM, *H Luo, *H Oliver, A Rennermalm, M Tedesco, A Bracco, P Yager, T Mote, PM Medeiros (2019), Controls on the transport of meltwater from the southern Greenland Ice Sheet in the Labrador Sea, JGR Oceans, doi:10.1029/2019JC015159. DOI Castelao RM, *H Luo (2018), Upwelling jet separation in the California Current System, Nature Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-34401-y. DOI *da Silva CE, Castelao RM (2018), Mississippi River Plume Variability in the Gulf of Mexico From SMAP and MODIS‐Aqua Observations, Journal ofGeophysical Research: Oceans, 123, doi:10.1029/2018JC014159. DOI *Oliver H, Castelao RM, Yager PL. 2018. Exploring the Potential Impact of Greenland Meltwater on Stratification, Photosynthetically Active Radiation, and Primary Production in the Labrador Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML *Wang Y, Castelao RM, Di Iorio D. 2017. Salinity Variability and Water Exchange in Interconnected Estuaries. Estuaries and Coasts. :917-929. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Medeiros PM, Babcock-Adams L, Seidel M, Castelao RM, Di Iorio D, Hollibaugh JT, Dittmar T. 2017. Export of terrigenous dissolved organic matter in a broad continental shelf. Limnology and Oceanography. 62:1718-1731. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Arrigo KR, van Dijken GL, Castelao RM, *Luo H, Rennermalm AK, Tedesco M, Mote TL, *Oliver H, Yager PL. 2017. Melting glaciers stimulate large summer phytoplankton blooms in southwest Greenland waters. Geophysical Research Letters. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML *Yuan Y, Castelao RM. 2017. Eddy-induced sea surface temperature gradients in Eastern Boundary Current Systems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML *Yuan Y, Castelao RM, He R. 2017. Variability in along-shelf and cross-shelf circulation in the South Atlantic Bight. Continental Shelf Research. 134:52-62. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML *Wang Y, Castelao RM. 2016. Variability in the coupling between sea surface temperature and wind stress in the global coastal ocean. Continental Shelf Research. 125:88-96. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML *Luo H, Castelao RM, Rennermalm AK, Tedesco M, Bracco A, Yager L., Mote TL. 2016. Oceanic transport of surface meltwater from the southern Greenland ice sheet. Nature Geoscience. 9:528-532. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML *Wang Y, Castelao RM, *Yuan Y. 2015. Seasonal variability of alongshore winds and sea surface temperature fronts in Eastern Boundary Current Systems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 120:2385-2400.DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Castelao RM, *Wang Y. 2014. Wind-driven variability in sea surface temperature front distribution in the California Current System. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 119(3):1861-1875. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Castelao RM. 2014. Mesoscale eddies in the South Atlantic Bight and the Gulf Stream Recirculation region: Vertical structure. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 119(3):2048-2065. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Castelao RM, He R. 2013. Mesoscale eddies in the South Atlantic Bight. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 118(10):5720-5731. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Di Iorio D, Castelao R. 2013. The Dynamical Response of Salinity to Freshwater Discharge and Wind Forcing in Adjacent Estuaries on the Georgia Coast. Oceanography. 26(3):44-51. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Huang W-J, Cai W-J, Castelao RM, Wang Y, Lohrenz SE. 2013. Effects of a wind-driven cross-shelf large river plume on biological production and CO2 uptake on the Gulf of Mexico during spring. Limnology and Oceanography. 58(5):1727-1735. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Belem AL, Castelao RM, Albuquerque ALuiza. 2013. Controls of subsurface temperature variability in a western boundary upwelling system. Geophysical Research Letters. 40(7):1362-1366. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Castelao RM. 2012. Sea Surface Temperature and Wind Stress Curl Variability near a Cape. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 42(11):2073-2087. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Xu Y, Chant R, Gong D, Castelao R, Glenn S, Schofield O. 2011. Seasonal variability of chlorophyll a in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Continental Shelf Research. 31(16):1640-1650. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Castelao R. 2011. Intrusions of Gulf Stream waters onto the South Atlantic Bight shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research. 116(C10). DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Castelao R, Chant R, Glenn S, Schofield O. 2010. The Effects of Tides and Oscillatory Winds on the Subtidal Inner-Shelf Cross-Shelf Circulation. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 40(4):775-788. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Castelao R, Glenn S, Schofield O. 2010. Temperature, salinity, and density variability in the central Middle Atlantic Bight. Journal of Geophysical Research. 115(C10). DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Castelao R, Schofield O, Glenn S, Chant R, Kohut J. 2008. Cross-shelf transport of freshwater on the New Jersey shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research. 113(C7). DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Castelao R, Glenn S, Schofield O, Chant R, Wilkin J, Kohut J. 2008. Seasonal evolution of hydrographic fields in the central Middle Atlantic Bight from glider observations. Geophysical Research Letters. 35(3). DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Castelao RM, Barth JA. 2007. The Role of Wind Stress Curl in Jet Separation at a Cape. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 37(11):2652-2671. DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Castelao RM, Barth JA. 2006. Upwelling around Cabo Frio, Brazil: The importance of wind stress curl. Geophysical Research Letters. 33(3). DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Castelao RM, Mavor TP, Barth JA, Breaker LC. 2006. Sea surface temperature fronts in the California Current System from geostationary satellite observations. Journal of Geophysical Research. 111(C9). DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Castelao RM, Barth JA. 2006. The Relative Importance of Wind Strength and Along-Shelf Bathymetric Variations on the Separation of a Coastal Upwelling Jet. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 36:412-425. Google Scholar BibTex XML Castelao RM, Barth JA, Mavor TP. 2005. Flow-topography interactions in the northern California Current System observed from geostationary satellite data. Geophysical Research Letters. 32(24). DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Castelao RM. 2005. Coastal ocean response to summer upwelling favorable winds in a region of alongshore bottom topography variations off Oregon. Journal of Geophysical Research. 110(C10). DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Barth J.A. 2005. Time-dependent, wind-driven flow over a shallow midshelf submarine bank. Journal of Geophysical Research. 110(C10). DOI Google Scholar BibTex XML Courses Regularly Taught MARS 1011 MARS 1030 MARS 3200 MARS 8100