As part of a large institution, there are a number of resources that the University of Georgia provides to its students, faculty and staff. A goal of this committee is to make external resources, as well as internal resources within the University of Georgia, available and accessible to students in our department. We work under the guidance of the University, expanding upon what initiatives exist and providing additional support, resources, and action items relevant at the department scale. UGA’s Office of Institutional diversity offers resources such as information regarding the University’s diversity and inclusion efforts, campus resources and organizations, support for diversity related events, scholarship opportunities, and many others. Additionally, the Mary Frances Early College of Education offers training and certificates related to diversity and inclusion. Following the unjust killings of George Floyd and many other Black Americans in Summer 2020, the University has introduced a number of new initiatives to facilitate action and conversations surrounding issues of diversity and inclusion. As a UGA student, faculty or staff there are frequent email communications regarding University events. The resources provided below are helpful for becoming knowledgeable about UGA’s efforts to cultivate a diverse and inclusive community and to be aware of what resources the University provides to the members of the UGA community. The Marine Sciences DEI committee has and will continue to collaborate with UGA’s resources. At the end of this list of resources are a small number of the Department of Marine Science specific resources including our Graduate Student Committee and our local chapter of the Society of Women in Marine Science.
Related Resources
- Office of Institutional Diversity: Office of Institutional Diversity
- Franklin College of Arts and Sciences: Inclusive Excellence Plan
- UGA Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation: Welcome to University of Georgia's Peach State LSAMP Page | Home
- UGA Training and Development offers a Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion: Certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | College of Education | University of Georgia
- UGA Disability Resource center: Disability Resource Center: Home
- UGA Equal Opportunity Office: UGA Equal Opportunity Office
- UGA Graduate and Professional Scholars: UGA GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOLARS (GAPS) - Home
- UGA Campus Resources provided by the Office of Institutional Diversity: Campus Resources | About | Office of Institutional Diversity
- Recent initiatives following the events of Summer 2020:
- UGA Presidential Task Force on Race, Ethnicity, and Community: UGA Presidential Task Force on Race, Ethnicity, and Community: Home
- UGA Planning Committee on Diversity and Inclusive Excellence: UGA Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Plan | About
- Recognition of the 60th Anniversary of Desegregation at UGA
- Society for Women in Marine Sciences UGA Chapter
- UGA Marine Sciences Graduate Student Association