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Tags: Athens Events

About the presentation: "The presentation is organized as follows. At first, the experimental works I carried out during my PhD studies to explore tide-driven influential parameters on sediment transport in Ota Diversion Channel, Hiroshima, Japan, are briefly described. This part mainly discusses the application of conventional acoustic systems, their abilities, and challenges that inspired me to start working on Shallow Acoustic Tomography…
Mixing by turbulent motions in the ocean is important for global ocean circulation, nutrient supply to surface waters, and the global ocean heat budget. Turbulent mixing takes the form of a diffusive process where the vertical flux is proportional to the concentration gradient with an eddy diffusivity coefficient, Kz, as a constant of proportionality. Osborn (1980) suggested that Kz is in turn related to the flux Richardson number (Rif) or…
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is viewed as an information-rich set of molecular tracers which carry the chemical signature of its source and subsequent journey to its point of analysis. The overarching goal of my research is to read the molecular signatures of DOM using advanced analytical techniques to reveal its source, reactivity, and environmental fate. Upstream landscapes and rainfall-runoff processes have emerged as major controllers of…
About Nick: "My graduate research training encompassed a combination of biophysical and physiological tools used to describe how organism responds to changes in environmental conditions. For my masters research, I focused on the effects of the light microenvironment influencing the photophysiology and growth of scleractinian coral. For my dissertation research, I explored the physiological responses of Fucus vesiculosus, a basal…
Facilitation cascades arise where primary foundation species facilitate secondary (dependent) foundation species and collectively, they increase habitat complexity and quality to enhance species richness and abundance. In this seminar, I will present results from field experiments, lab experiments, correlational studies and models that indicate facilitation cascades created by spatial overlap of cordgrass and ribbed mussel foundation…
Dr. Behl is the Associate Director and Public Service Assistant for Georgia Sergeant. She has interests in science policy and ethics, geoscience  education and communication, as well as in large-scale ocean circulation and air-sea interactions.
Dr. Dissanayake is a postdoctoral researcher working on modeling aggregation and export of marine particle and oil in the water column in Dr. Burd’s lab at UGA. She was previously a postdoctoral researcher working with Dr. Scott Socolofsky at Texas A&M University.

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