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Tags: Athens Events

Many host-associated bacteria use pheromone-signaling (PS) systems to coordinate group behaviors.  Such signaling requires high cell density, and is often referred to as “quorum sensing”.  However, a high cell density “quorum” may be necessary but not sufficient to induce a behavior. Our understanding of the light-organ symbiosis between the bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri and the Hawaiian bobtail squid Euprymna scolopes…
Peat mosses of the genus Sphagnum play a major role in global carbon storage and predominate over photosynthetic production in many northern peatland ecosystems, which are currently being subjected to some of the most rapid climate change on Earth. The objectives of this research are 1.) to investigate the role of the Sphagnum phytobiome (plant host + constituent microbiome + environment) in regulating the carbon and nutrient cycles of peatland…
The oceanic DOC pool is comparable to the carbon inventory in both atmospheric CO2 and in the total biomass on earth. It’s reactivity, defined by its timescale of oxidation, reflects the complexity of this massive carbon pool and forms a continuum from labile, semi-labile, to refractory carbon constituents. Our studies using HOOH and O2- proxies, as well as novel direct measurements of CO2 photoproduction demonstrate that the capacity for…
ABSTRACT:  Previous work on the Georgia, USA coast revealed consistent mid-summer peaks in the abundance of Thaumarchaeota accompanied by spikes in nitrite concentration.  We collected data on the distribution of Thaumarchaeota, ammonia-oxidizing Betaproteobacteria (AOB), nitrite-oxidizing Nitrospina, environmental variables and rates of ammonia oxidation during 6 cruises in the South Atlantic Bight from April to November 2014 to…
Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is a process defined as any and all input of water into a surface water body through the sediment - water interface, independent of the driving force, and the fluid source and composition. Historically, the report of the existence of SGD dates back many centuries, when a submarine spring 2.5 miles offshore from Latakia, Syria, in the Mediterranean Sea was described. Other historical records focus on the…
Please join us for the 2017 Research Symposium on June 1-2 at the Graduate Hotel in Athens, Ga. The symposium will highlight Georgia Sea Grant’s research program, where Sea Grant-funded scientists from across the state will share their research findings. A reception will follow. On day two, prospective researchers are invited to a workshop where we will provide an overview of our FY2018-2020 call of proposals and give tips and advice about…
The purpose of this seminar is to begin with a general overview of the shelf and end with the carbonate reefs.  

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