Monday, February 13 2017, 12:20pm 261 Marine Science Bldg. Christine Angelini Environmental Engineering University of Florida Angelini Lab website Seminars Athens Events Facilitation cascades arise where primary foundation species facilitate secondary (dependent) foundation species and collectively, they increase habitat complexity and quality to enhance species richness and abundance. In this seminar, I will present results from field experiments, lab experiments, correlational studies and models that indicate facilitation cascades created by spatial overlap of cordgrass and ribbed mussel foundation species are powerful drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem resilience to climate change in southeastern US salt marshes. I will also present findings from a recent experiment testing whether the integration of facilitation cascades in restoration designs can enhance the success and long-term persistence of restored habitat. The seminar will conclude with an overview of next steps in this line of research and their implications for understanding of biodiversity maintenance and resilience of coastal wetlands at longer temporal and larger spatial scales.