In the Di Iorio Physical and Acoustical Oceanography laboratory we specialize in research that focuses on the fundamental laws of physics in the ocean environment. We strive to understand circulation processes that range from the coastal ocean to the deep-sea environment. We seek to constantly improve and disseminate our understanding of ocean mixing, turbulence and entrainment, estuarine transport, buoyancy driven flows, hydrothermal vent and natural methane and oil seep flows, and their interaction with the surrounding ocean. With regard to the interaction of hydrothermal vents and natural methane and oil seeps with the surrounding ocean, we use a forward scatter Acoustic Scintillation Flow Meter (ASFM) that allows us to make accurate vertical velocity measurements of deep sea vents and seeps that is not possible using other instruments. Our instrument measures coherent turbulent flow patterns that when applied to vents allow us to quantify the contributions that the fluids make to the chemical and thermal budget of the global ocean and when applied to seeps allows us to quantify upwelling velocities. ASFM requires precise placement around using remotely operated deep submersible vehicles deployed off large ocean going vessels. The ASFM has yielded valuable data on many successful deployments. We are currently developing a Cabled Observatory Reciprocal Acoustic Scintillation (CORAS) instrument in partnership with ASL Environmental Sciences and Ocean Networks Canada so that real time monitoring of hydrothermal vent flows at the Main Endeavour Vent Field will be possible. For more information, click the links below Lab site: Di Iorio Lab: Physical and Acoustical Oceanography Research Areas: Physical Oceanography