Monday, March 4 2024, 11:15am Skidaway Dr. Mercedes Pozo Buil Institute of Marine Sciences UC Santa Cruz Dr. Pozo Buil's Website Seminars Dr. Mercedes Pozo Buil is an Assistant Project Scientist in the Institute of Marine Sciences of US Santa Cruz and NOAA's Southwest Fisheries Science Center. "I am originally from Spain, and I came to the U.S. for graduate school. I obtained my Ph.D from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2017. Previously, I received my M.S. in Physical Oceanography from the University of Cádiz, Spain. My research interests are in ocean modeling and large-scale circulation, specifically about subsurface ocean variability, large-scale changes in water masses and circulation, and how they affect upwelling systems." -Dr. Pozo Buil Title: Dynamics and Predictability of Climate Variability and Change in the California Current EcosystemAbstract: The California Current Ecosystem (CCE) is a highly productive eastern boundary upwelling system, in which seasonal upwelling fuels primary production that supports a thriving marine ecosystem and socioeconomically valuable services including fisheries and tourism. The CCE and its resources are strongly driven by changes in the physical and biogeochemical environment, both of which experience considerable variability on timescales ranging from days to centuries. Prognostic information on this variability is therefore highly desirable for marine resource users, for example managers of fisheries whose target populations are sensitive to variations in the climate system. In this presentation, I will present a number of recent and ongoing efforts that have begun to explore the predictability and forecast skill of physical and biogeochemical properties in the CCE on seasonal-to-interannual (~1-24 months), decadal (~5-20 years) and long-term (~50-100 years) timescales. I will describe, when known, the physical mechanisms driving predictability, and illustrate the ecosystem application of these predictions in that range of timescales. Skillful forecasts and predictions of the physical and biogeochemical state in the CCE have the potential to provide actionable information to those managing the CC marine resources.