Monday, February 27 2023, 12:40pm Athens Dr. Kyle Van Houtan Kansas Biological Survey & Center for Ecological Research University of Kansas Dr. Karatayev's Website Seminars Please join us Monday February 27 at 12:40 pm for a seminar by Dr. Vadim Karatayev, a faculty candidate in Marine Conservation and Sustainability in the Department of Marine Sciences. Details are below. Title: Integrating physical, biological, and societal drivers of resilience in large ecosystems Abstract: A grand conservation challenge in our changing world is to avert the collapse of species and ecosystems. Spanning kelp forests, US fisheries, and socio-ecological coastal systems, my talk will address this challenge by focusing on three major questions. First, how can we tell which local processes drive ecosystem collapse, and which interventions prevent collapse, at regional scales where we can’t do experiments? Second, of the many data-poor fisheries where most processes remain unknown, which will experience large-scale population declines as extreme events intensify? Third, once we know best conservation strategies, how can we ensure stakeholders adopt them quickly instead of becoming complacent with degrading ecosystems? My talk shows how the synthesis of big data, mechanistic models, and AI allows us to anticipate and avert ecosystem collapse in future climates. The speaker will be presenting in person in Athens (Room 239), but the talk will be broadcast to the Skidaway Auditorium and available to watch on Zoom ( As usual, the room will open at 12:20 pm and the talk will begin at 12:40 pm. The seminar will be recorded for those who cannot attend.